Peter A. Koziol, Esq.
     Assouline & Berlowe, P.A.
     1801 N. Military Trail, Suite 160
     Boca Raton, Florida 33431
     (561) 235 - 0725


Boca Assignees
Boca Inventors
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Apparatus and method for stimulating hair growth

Invented by: Henry Pearl
Boca Raton, FL

David Sinofsky
Boca Raton, FL

Originally Assigned to: Lexington Lasercomb IP AG
St. Gallen, CH
[Now assigned to . . .]

Application No:10295487
Examined by:Johnson, III; Henry M

A hand-held laser device that stimulates hair growth. The device provides distributed laser light to the scalp while simultaneously parting the individual's hair to ensure that the laser light contacts the individual's scalp. A unique beam splitting reflector splits a single laser beam to ensure that energy from the laser beam is evenly distributed. The reflector is mechanically aligned with the laser source and has a zigzag structure which mechanically deflects portions of the beam as it passes over the peaks of the reflector. The portions of the laser beam form a line of laser beams that project toward the individual's scalp. Parallel rows of teeth are aligned with a central row of individual laser beams and part the individual's hair to form furrows in the individual's hair as the device is combed through the individual's hair. The furrows create an unobstructed path for the laser beam to reach the scalp of the individual. Another embodiment uses a non-coherent light source to provide light energy to the individual's scalp. This embodiment also uses teeth to create a series of furrows to provide unobstructed access to the individual's scalp by the light. In this embodiment, the light source can be a series of LEDs or other lights aligned with the teeth, or a single elongated light source which provides light across the area exposed by the teeth. Another embodiment allows the use of a combination of laser light and non-coherent light.

[pdf] U.S. Pat. No. 7,201,764

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